The Medical Board of California is investigating two Sacramento-area doctors who allegedly wrote inappropriate medical exemptions for children whose parents do not believe in vaccinations. Investigators are cracking down on such accusations because the United States is currently experiencing its worst measles outbreak in over 25 years.

According to a report by a local TV station, the two doctors have been granting vaccination medical exemptions to kids just because their parents don’t want them to be vaccinated, not because of real medical issues. They are also accused of advertising their exemption services to parents and explaining how parents can get medical exemptions for their children. In a petition filed by the California Department of Consumer Affairs, another physician complained that one of the accused doctors is making “easy money” by issuing unwarranted exemptions and putting the community at risk as a result. However, some parents have come to the defense of the doctors, claiming that the exemption process is rigorous and their children were actually qualified to receive exemptions based on medical grounds.

If the investigation determines that the doctors are guilty of issuing inappropriate medical exemptions, they could face a range of penalties, including being named in a public letter, being placed on probation or having their medical license revoked. They do not face any criminal penalties. Recent statistics show that almost 100 schools in Sacramento County have vaccination rates too low to allow the community to achieve immunity against measles.

Medical professionals faced with having their medical license revoked may feel frightened and overwhelmed. However, an attorney from Kevin Cauley, P.C., could carefully review the case and develop a strong defense. If a client has already been placed on probation or lost his or her license, an attorney could file an appeal in an attempt to reverse the decision.